Benchmark line contest in paris las week end.
good ambience, lots of peaple, some good skating and lot s of fun.
here the result.
1er : Anthony Rousse
2ème : Denny Pham
3ème : Dimitri Kostoff
4ème : Benjamin Delaboulaye
5ème : Guillaume Caraccioli
6ème : Alexis Lamendin
7ème : Hugo Corbin
8ème : Charlotte Hym
9ème : Marc Alexandre Barbier
The judges getting ready.
Alexis Lamandin nose grind with my board.
Jon monier making a little siesta in between two run!
fred Ploix nose gring revers.
Anthony Rousse, the winer. big kick flip in your face!
Old school represent, Y ann Garin tail grab.
Dj Nico Malino on the mix.
Antho Rousse front side flip... he killed it!
congratulation bro!